根據專業分析,財經文體類型與其特點包含-- 金融市場報導:力求行文簡潔、用語通俗,訊息具時效性。 財經政策報告:力求用字正式而嚴謹,行文邏輯清晰而細密。 經濟預測及市場展望:力求文字精簡且邏輯縝密,並搭配圖表和數據。
Financial Translation
As with legal documents, financial documents tend to have a language all of their own. Critical documents such as financial reports and financial prospectuses require the utmost attention and expertise to ensure accuracy. So, when undertaking financial translation it is vital that the translator in question is not only an expert linguist, but also that they have a solid background in finance and are aware of the conventions that exist in both the source and the target country. We have translators that specialize in all areas of finance and our experienced project managers are practiced at finding the right translator for your documents.
All translations remain confidential. Our translators are sensitive to the nature of financial documentation and understand the need to keep all information strictly confidential. Our project managers with financial training are skilled in both project planning and quality control. We also provide our clients an option for quality assurance, in which a completed project is proofread by a second financial translation expert.